Bushy Point Otatara School Planting 5 September 2024
On a sunny day in September, OLG hosted 140 schoolchildren from Otatara School for their Conservation Week event. Plants had been supplied by the Southland Community Nursery and were trailered onto site by Barry. As the trip was a relatively short one, Barry had also predug the holes, so planting was as easy as possible, but the plant guards still needed to be put on so it was a full-on hours activity. The schoolchildren seemed to really enjoy sloshing around in the wet ground and getting all those wet tolerant plants into their new home. The planting was near the pond and interpretation signs so if you are walking from Bryson Road its about half an hours walk from the public entrance to Bushy Point. Thanks to the school students, Otatara School’s Carla Werder, teachers and parents, Barry and Otatara Landcare Group Bushy Point volunteers for a very productive and enjoyable afternoon.
For Otatara Landcare Group
Posted: 16 September 2024