Otatara Landcare Group members are passionate about the special environment in which they live.
The Otatara Landcare Group is an Incorporated Society and our geographical area of interest is the Otatara area, New River Estuary, Sandy Point and Oreti Beach.
What we do
The main activities the Landcare Group is involved with are:
- to advocate for the natural values of Otatara to Council and other Government Agencies
- to inform residents of the natural values of Otatara – its special birds and plants
- publish a regular newsletter the Otatara Pigeon Post
- publish a booklet Natural Otatara
- publish a booklet Otatara - A Hidden Treasure (2019)
- manage the Bushy Point Restoration Project (including growing native plants, organising public planting days (e.g Living Legends)
- maintaining a walkway with interpretation panels,
- managing animal and weed pests
- being the umbrella organisation for Otatara Pestbusters
- fundraising for all of those activities
- organising events to highlight the natural areas of Otatara
- writing and producing a series of activities resources for children
- A Health and Safety Plan for the OLG (PDF, 1.61 MB) and an incident reporting form (XLSX, 17.83 kB)
The Otatara Landcare Group was established in 1999 following a public meeting where a committee was elected. A Committee is voted in at each Annual General Meeting of the Society. All committee members are volunteers and there is currently a membership of 200 households.
If you feel the same about Otatara, why not join us!
OLG Membership Subscriptions
- $50 for Life Membership
- Donations Acepted!
Download our membership form and email or post to us:
- Membership Form (Word) (DOCX, 28.26 kB)
Mission Statement
- To focus attention of Otatara residents and others on the natural features and ecological values of the Otatara environment, especially native forest and wetland flora and fauna.
- To promote and, where possible, facilitate the protection, restoration and creation of such features in the interests of scientific appreciation and intrinsic worth and to encourage community appreciation of these values.
The objectives of the Society shall be as follows:
- To act as a liaison forum for Otatara landowners, with the Invercargill City Council, Environment Southland, Department of Conservation and other agencies, in issues of land use and management of natural resources;
- To provide information to Otatara residents and other landowners on how best to manage and enhance natural areas, including weed and pest management;
- To advocate for the preservation and enhancement of forest remnants and other natural values of the Otatara area (including New River Estuary, Sandy Point and Oreti Beach);
- To promote increased use of native plants in gardens and on properties in Otatara;
- To improve the habitat for native wildlife in the Otatara area;
- To run a programme of activities which will include bush walks, field days and talks to improve knowledge of the local environment, and working bees to help individuals and organisations with their environmental projects;
- To promote Otatara’s natural areas to local people and visitors through publicity (newsletter, leaflets etc).
- Otatara Landcare Group Constitution (PDF, 700.32 kB)